Deconstructed Breaded Zucchini

Deconstructed Breaded Zucchini
Clearly I am watching too much Top Chef. Because everything on Top Chef is deconstructed, right?

You can’t argue with the fact that breaded zucchini is awesome. So why deconstruct it? Well, because breaded zucchini is a huge hassle to make what with the egg on the hands and the breadcrumbs under the fingernails. And painstakingly dipping each little zucchini round into egg and then breadcrumbs takes a lot of time too. Deconstructed breaded zucchini is breaded zucchini for those of us who are short on time, lazy, or a little bit of both.

While the onion might not be included in the original version, I threw it in because I had it on hand and I like sauteed zucchini with onions. So why not? This might not be quite the same as breaded zucchini, but it does take half the time (and effort!), which is a big plus in my book.


Deconstructed Breaded Zucchini

Deconstructed Breaded Zucchini (alt)

A quick, easy side dish that replicates the flavors of breaded zucchini without mess and hassle.

  • Prep Time: 5 minutes
  • Cook Time: 17 minutes
  • Total Time: 23 minutes
  • Yield: 4


  • 1 slice stale bread (or toasted bread), torn into 1-inch pieces
  • 1 tbsp + 1 tsp olive oil
  • 1/4 tsp Italian seasoning
  • 1 small yellow onion, thinly sliced
  • 2 medium zucchini, thinly sliced
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 2 tbsp Parmesan cheese


  1. Place bread pieces in food processor and process until fine crumbs form.
  2. Heat 1 teaspoon of olive oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat, swirling to coat. Add breadcrumbs, Italian seasoning, and a pinch of salt; cook until browned, about 2 minutes. Transfer breadcrumbs to bowl and carefully wipe out skillet.
  3. Heat remaining olive oil in skillet over medium heat. Add onion and cook 3 minutes, stirring occasionally, until softened. Add zucchini and cook 10-12 minutes more, continuing to stir occasionally, until vegetables are golden brown in color and zucchini has softened. Add salt and pepper to taste and top with breadcrumb mixture and Parmesan cheese before serving.

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